7 Effective ways to make financial decisions for your business

Nnamdi Adibe
5 min readMar 12, 2021

When it comes to making decisions, careful thinking can never be outdated. However, it isn’t all that there is. Making financial decisions for a business is largely different from the personal decisions one makes. For one, a business has a structure unlike your household, and also, the number of people who will be affected by the said decisions differs. An individual must be careful to make decisions that are objective and sincere.

A business’s success mostly depends on the type of financial decisions its owners take. You cannot make choices that are bad for your organization and expect to see good results. In decision making, things are always clear; a bad decision leads to a bad outcome, and a good one yields wonderful results.

Employing the services of a financial advisor is a good way to seek growth. An experienced advisor studies your business and creates actionable plans. To make good decisions that won’t hurt your business, here are some steps you should consider;

Accept your current position

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This is the first step to help you make effective decisions. Identify the state of your business, be honest with your financial state. If things are good, state that, and if they aren’t, also write this down. Maybe you have not been experiencing sakes like before, or you incurred more expenses than usual, whatever the case maybe, it is by facing the problem you will make decisions to ease it. If you choose to be dishonest, you’d only be hurting your business in the long run.

Plan long term

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Create a strategy that allows you to make decisions that are not only short-term. A business does not become better by settling for the moment, every time. This doesn’t mean that you should discard short-term decisions; instead, ensure that those decisions push your business’s objectives.

If taking a decision now will be detrimental to your business in the future, you need to think again. You cannot make an investment that impedes the growth of your organization. As you move, consider the future. This will enable lean towards making useful financial decisions.

Prioritize needs

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A scale of preference is not a bad idea when you are having difficulty deciding on options. With a scale of preference, one has the liberty to arrange needs from the most important to the least important. This could be an important tool when you have to make financial decisions.

Everything cannot be important at once, and one need is usually more pressing than the other. Do the necessary things first. However, if it is still hard for you to decide, then consider hiring a financial advisory expert. There you can find individuals with years of relevant experience to guide you through the process.

Curtail negative habits

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Negative financial habits will impend the growth of your business. Most times, you might think of these habits as harmless, but if you crosscheck, you will see that they do not contribute to your firm. It could be always buying more equipment than you need or investing where doesn’t promote the business objective. It could even be employing more hands than you need. Consulting with a different person can reveal the counter-productive practices you need to forgo.


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Inculcate the habit of saving into your operational system. Let it become a way of life for you, and it will save you on the days you least expect. As you make investments, keep aside a fraction of your revenues as savings. There will be rainy days, a time you will need to make a bigger investment or expand business operations. Also, the thought that your business money is set aside gives a certain level of confidence. Please do not make it a habit of frequently going to your reservoir.

Productive thinking

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Practice productive thinking, come up with alternatives methods. You have to make it a practice to think outside the box. It will save you a lot of money and energy. In making decisions, look for options that allow you to achieve much through a single decision. Like for example, it is possible to cut costs and invest with one wise decision.


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One needs to take responsibility for their financial situation if they hope to make progress with the business. Be clear on what you want to achieve, and from there, create a simple, actionable plan. Be deliberate about your affairs. Invest. Be prudent. And in the event, these financial decisions are hard to make, consult an expert. It will prevent you from making any mistakes.

This article was originally posted on Hpierson.



Nnamdi Adibe

I write about growth strategy, learning solutions, human resources, talent management, risk management, consulting, execution & advisory.